9 Ways to Fix Error 503 Service Unavailable in your Computer

Error 503 Service Unavailable simply denotes that the server is not able to deal with a temporary overload or planned maintenance at that particular time. This will probably be resolved after some time. The server may provide a Retry-After header field to indicate how long users should wait before retrying the request.

An HTTP error 503 basically means that the server is unavailable, which prevents users from accessing the website. When the website undergoing maintenance or is too busy, this response code may appear. A 503 error could also be displayed if there is a DDoS assault on the website or if there is another issue that needs to be looked into further. Although 503 errors can be used to detect issues with availability of server, they do not provide information about the cause of the error. Usually, just a warning is seen that says “Service temporarily unavailable.”

What are the Variations of 503 Error Status Codes?

503 error codes all have the same meaning, though they range in size and form. Below are some of the various versions that any browser may display:

  • http/1.1 Service Unavailable
  • 503 Service Unavailable
  • HTTP Server Error 503
  • HTTP 503
  • 503 Error
  • HTTP Error 503

What are the Common Causes of 503 Errors?

Several things can lead to 503 errors. These are often hard to pin down, especially since the official message’s explanation and guidance are mostly ambiguous. But normally, multiple of these underlying reasons come into play.

1. Server Maintenance

Servers usually briefly shut down during planned maintenance to implement essential updates like security patches for Windows servers from suppliers like Microsoft. This ensures the integrity and functionality of the hosting sites. This routine maintenance is essential for the seamless operation of today’s networks to minimize future downtime.

Site visitors may become impatient when they encounter a 503 error all along this time, it generally means that a temporary step is needed for system improvement.

2. Server Overload

Monitoring tools can notify administrators of possible problems before they get worse in case of server overloads. For instance, a rapid spike in HTTP response problems like DDoS attack indicators or 502 bad gateway issues, may call for quick action to improve server security settings or redistribute load.

The 503 error code may be a temporary stand-in unless the server restarts if its resources are depleted and it is unable to process new requests. Although there are various reasons for server overloads, unexpected and abrupt spikes in traffic are the common causes. DDoS attacks can possibly cause server overload under certain circumstances.

3. Errors in Coding

Sometimes HTTP failures are caused by code flaws in the .htaccess file, although the 500 internal server error note is more common cause of these errors. When none of the other reasons on this list seem to be applicable, it is still worthwhile to investigate code.

4. API Limitations

API Limitations

API rate restriction can sometimes lead to error 503 service unavailable, especially when a web application sends excessively many calls to a third-party service. This emphasizes how crucial it is for apps to use and manage APIs effectively, especially those that operate on other systems or Windows, where integrating with several services is normal.

5. Problems in Database Connectivity

A 503 error is probably present if files on the web server cannot connect to the ones on the database server. This may occur when the hostname isn’t currently functioning or when credentials from the configuration file are wrong. It’s possible that a malfunctioning plugin has ruined the database altogether.

6. DNS Problems

DNS Problems

If the Error 503 is not, temporary, but instead, quickly becomes a regular issue, then tricky Domain Name System (DNS) configurations could be the reason. The website address must be translated into a relevant IP address by the DNS. In case, the DNS is not able to perform this task, service can become unavailable.

Ways to Fix Error 503 Service Unavailable

1. Check Server & Application Logs

Check Server & Application Logs

Server logs provide users with knowledge on the hardware that powers their server as well as its condition and state. Moreover, application logs provide a complete history of the website. Site owners can also view the web pages that their visitors have requested and the servers to which they are connected by looking at these crucial logs. Reviewing each of the log files will help find any odd information that might be hiding server-side.

2. Check if the Server is Under Maintenance

Check Server & Application Logs

When undergoing maintenance, nearly all the web servers fall offline. Examine the server’s configuration parameters to know when automatic maintenance sessions are planned to rule out the chance that 503 problems are caused by maintenance. To prevent visitors from seeing these mistakes, it is advised to plan any upgrades for the website during times when traffic is at its lowest.

3. Increase Server Resources

A 503 error indicates that there is a temporary overload on the website. Inform the web host of the measures that are already tried and discuss the 503 issue with them. Users should spend more in web server resources if traffic spikes are the common cause of recurrent HTTP 503 problems. If users want to upgrade their hosting plan, try to fix the problem.

4. Review Code for Latest File Changes and Bugs

Review Code for Latest File Changes and Bugs

User’s web server may not be able to properly react or reply to queries if there is a bug in one of the plugins or theme files in the website. Precisely, 503 problems are known to be caused by misconfigured web applications and plugin conflicts. Therefore, users should their website’s coding to check if there have been any recent updates or problems that could cause this issue. If users have file integrity monitoring in place or can examine recent alterations and adjustments to their website, it might be possible to identify the circumstances and underlying cause of the problem and roll back to a previous known good configuration.

5. Activate WP_DEBUG in your WordPress

Activate WP_DEBUG in your WordPress

WordPress websites include a debug tool called WP_DEBUG, which makes it simple to identify the sources of website failures. To troubleshoot and identify the root of the error, try securely turning on debugging on WordPress and then going over the logs.

This tool will help to avoid spending a lot of time resolving WordPress 503 problems. The debug.log file contains the debug mode results.

6. Try a Web Application Firewall

Try a Web Application Firewall

A DDoS assault, which overwhelms the server’s resources and knocks website offline, can result in a server overload and a 503 error. Installing a website firewall will lessen the impact of a DDoS attack by assisting in the blocking of harmful bots and phony traffic.

When a DDoS assault or a general shortage of server resources, like CPU and memory, occurs, WAFs and CDNs often offer used digital resources from their own cache, reducing the strain on the hosting server.

7. Clean your DNS

Clean your DNS

Other possible causes of the 503 error comprise DNS-related problems like unresponsive DNS servers, unresolved IP addresses, or a misconfigured DNS cache.

To resolve this issue, clearing DNS is one practical solution. Different operating system uses different methods to clear the DNS cache.

For MacOS

  • In MacOS, just press F4 and access Terminal, now run the below command:

sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

For Microsoft Windows

  • In Windows, launch the command prompt and enter the below directive:


  • This will restart DNS resolver cache and the DNS files will be cleaned by the command. After the DNS has been successfully flushed, a confirmation message will show.

For Google Chrome

  • Users of Google Chrome have the option to clear their DNS cache.
  • In the address bar, type the following URL after starting the program:
  • Users will be directed to the page with internal settings. Next, choose the option saying “Clear host cache.”

Another method is to change the DNS servers temporarily. By default, users’ ISP assigns their DNS servers, but users may anytime switch them to other servers, like Google Public DNS.

8. Try to Reboot your Server

Congestion can sometimes occur in the web server chain that hosts the website. Refreshing the web browser and server is one of the fastest ways to repair a 503 error. In case the website is hosted across multiple servers, please make sure to restart each one to restore its functionality.

9. Scan for any Malware(s)

Scan for any Malware(s)

503 errors on the website may sometimes be caused by malware for cryptocurrency mining, malware that infects plugins or themes, or SEO spam. To prevent the infection as the source of the issue, just run a thorough check of the files and server hosting the website.

NOTE: In case your website is having planned maintenance, 503 Service Unavailable will be shown and you simply have to wait for its completion. However, if neglected over time, it may negatively impact SEO. Above all, users, if they are owners, should address web errors as soon as they are found. Clients are unlikely to visit such websites again if they witness an issue more than twice.


HTTP Error 503, a common error code, is encountered by both web administrators and users. A 503 error code means that there is a problem with the server that hosts the webpage. The most common causes of Errors 503 are server overload, network issues, or unplanned maintenance. Most of the time, transferring the website to a new server or altering its server location instantly resolves the issue. However, if none of these work, try contacting the hosting provider.


  1. What is “503 Servers Temporarily Unavailable” Error?

Server overload is the most typical cause of Error 503 Server Temporarily Unavailable on the website. A server is where the websites are stored. For instance, it could be pictured as the piece of land where the house is built.

  1. Is 503 Error Temporary or Permanent?

No, Error 503 is usually not permanent. It simply means that the request cannot be processed at that time by the web server. Once this web server is resolved, users will be able to view the contents of the page.

  1. Is Error 503 User’s fault?

No, Error 503 is usually not the user’s fault. If possible, users should inform the website owners if they are seeing it in their browser.

  1. How to repair 503 Service Unavailable Error?

The Error 503 Service Unavailable is could happen at any time and may cause users difficulties at work. As an end user, there are various methods to resolve Error 503 Service Unavailable:

  1. Check Server & Application Logs
  2. Check if the Server is Under Maintenance
  3. Increase Server Resources
  4. Review Code for Latest File Changes and Bugs
  5. Activate WP_DEBUG in your WordPress
  6. Try a Web Application Firewall
  7. Clean your DNS
  8. Try to Reboot your Server
  9. Scan for any Malware(s)